From Obsession to Understanding: My Weight Loss Journey

Taddaaaaa, I’m backkkk! Lol.

So, I’ve been thinking out loud about my long-standing desire to lose weight. Honestly, it feels like my whole life I’ve always wanted to shed a few pounds. But here’s the thing—I’ve never really been satisfied with my size. When I’m bigger, I want to be smaller. When I’m smaller, I start wishing I was a bit bigger. It’s this exhausting cycle of never feeling quite right in my own skin.

Recently, though, I had a breakthrough. I started wondering if my obsession with weight has less to do with how I actually feel and more to do with this pressure to fit into society’s standard of what’s “perfect.” I like to think I’m confident, but sometimes we don’t hear the voices that creep into our subconscious—the ones that push us to chase ideals we didn’t even choose for ourselves.

Just like I’ve been re-evaluating other areas of my life, I decided to question my “why” when it comes to weight loss. Why have I been so obsessed with it? What am I truly striving for? After some deep reflection, I found my answer. And let me tell you, it has completely shifted how I view my body, my goals, and this whole weight-loss journey.

Of course, I’m keeping my “why” to myself because I want everyone to find their own truth without being influenced by mine. This is just me saying—if you’re obsessing over your weight, it’s worth taking a moment to ask yourself why. Be thoughtfully truthful with yourself.

You might just find a new understanding, like I did.