Life’s Phases

I recently made the decision to cut someone out of my life—not because they aren’t one of the most amazing people I know, but because I don’t like the version of myself when I’m with them.

While I’ve learned a lot from our friendship, I realized that I was becoming too “flimsy” as a person, someone who stands for nothing. And that really bothered me.

During the time we were close, I noticed more character breakdowns in myself than I care to admit. I felt like this person couldn’t hold me accountable—it’s just not who they are.

After making that decision, I took a trip down memory lane, reflecting on who I was during that phase of my life. And honestly, I couldn’t help but cringe. Who was that girl? (Insert crying emoji while laughing out loud). Lol.

But then, I reminded myself that those were some of the toughest times for me. Maybe without that person, I would have spiraled into depression. Maybe I would have been in a much darker place. So, for what it’s worth, God and the universe knew exactly what they were doing by sending that person into my life at that particular time. Without them, I might not have survived.

So, every time I remember that version of myself and cringe, I’ll come back here and remind myself to “fuck off” and better appreciate that it got me through the worst part of my life.

And now, I have one more dear friend to cut off. Oh God, help me.
When I survive these heartaches, I am never getting careless with my friendships again. “I will choose well.”