The Older I Get, the More Girly I Want to Be

As you grow older, you realize that you have spent much of your life being “grown.” I’ll speak for myself—I grew up having to be mature beyond my years.

I was always mindful of how I spoke, careful to conceal certain feelings, and acted in specific ways to convey particular messages. I can’t even remember the last time I felt free to just be a child—silly, carefree, and sweet. Everything was calculated to achieve certain results. Even when I couldn’t control the outcomes, I felt compelled to try.

But now, as I age, I find myself yearning to embrace my girly side.

I want to be a girl in love, enjoying love. A girl with wealth, savoring it without the constant worry of it running out or needing to preserve it. It’s not that I want to be irresponsible, but I crave the freedom to be less responsible for others—their actions, their expectations, or the future.

I just want to relax and be a girl.

Soft, sweet, and innocently living life as if it were made of roses and petals. I want to interact with people with genuine sweetness and have them treat me with the same tenderness. I don’t want to shield my heart from being hurt or played, because I want to be surrounded by people who treat me with sincerity and as the princess I am.

Maybe I’ve worked hard enough to deserve such a life. Maybe it’s just a fleeting dream. Either way, I’m going to consciously allow the girl in me to live.

Of course, I’m not as naïve as a little girl—I’m a woman, embracing her girly side. Sweet inside and out, for myself and to myself.

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